Human Capital Strategy Development
Tailored Human Capital Solutions for Strategic Growth and Seamless Transitions
Our Human Capital Strategy Development service offers confidential CEO consultations, comprehensive HR strategic planning, and change management solutions. We conduct thorough human capital SWOT analyses, provide actionable workforce assessments, and develop tailored succession, transition, and growth planning strategies. With expertise in mergers and acquisitions, we guide you through preliminary due diligence and ensure seamless transitions with ongoing support. Additionally, we utilize metrics and analytics to optimize human capital outcomes for your organization.
Learn more about our Human Capital Strategy Development Services below:
- Confidential CEO Consultation
- HR Strategic Plan Development and Implementation
- Change Management
- Human Capital SWOT Analysis
- Human Capital Metrics and Analytics
- Workforce Assessment and Planning
- Mergers and Acquisitions

Confidential CEO Consultation – There is a very old expression that says, “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”. Every decision you make as leader of an organization is likely to have a human capital impact too it. Even things that are great for the organization overall can have an adverse impact on a few people. Sometimes you just need someone to listen because talking through options helps to first identify pros and cons of choices and then to weigh them out. The seasoned team at Arc Human Capital are neutral outsiders who will listen and respond with no political agenda. Because of our relationship as consultants, you can be assured of our confidentiality, and we’ll bring to you decades of experience from multiple industries. We’re here to hear you out and then “speak truth to power” giving you our honest best assessment of a situation, whether it involves one person or many, always while keeping an eye on regulations that might come into play. And in the end, we’ll help you to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
HR Strategic Plan Development and Implementation – How many people will you need, with what skills, and where and when will you need them? What can you do to manage your benefits cost, while offering an attractive variety to attract and retain staff? You want to diversify your business, so how do you prepare your staff to enter new markets? You want to change your market focus, how will you respectfully and empathetically downsize staff who did the old jobs, and hire and train people to do the new jobs? These are only a few of the questions we can work with you on to develop and implement the human capital side of your organizational strategy.
Change Management – There is one constant in life…change! This is not a new idea, but it’s one that bears repeating. Humans are creatures of habit. We get into routines because they make us comfortable, they’re predictable, and they help us be efficient. But expecting things to remain the same is foolish and in fact, technology and globalization have made the made the pace of change faster than ever before! But there are techniques that can help minimize the discomfort and disruption that often come with change. You need your organization to continue to be effective up to, throughout, and beyond the change. We know this and will collaborate with you and your leadership team to help ensure you maximize the positives and minimize the negatives that result from your change(s)! Or you could just force the change on everyone with no communication, no justification, and a crazy expectation…that it’ll go well! Let us know how that works for ya’!
Human Capital SWOT Analysis – A classic business concept, a SWOT analysis is usually conducted for a full enterprise. A review of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of your company can be incredibly insightful and serve as a solid foundation for your strategic planning. But they can be equally effective when done for a single division, department, or location. Let Arc work with you on a SWOT analysis for your human capital and let’s see where it points us!
Human Capital Metrics and Analytics – You may think you know your organization inside and out, but what will the numbers tell us? Let the team at Arc pull your data from your systems. We’ll identify any inconsistencies or gaps, then we’ll ask your leadership team for their supplemental insights. We’ll compare to benchmarks and gradually we’ll be able to refine the message that your data is telling us. It’ll also tell us what other questions e should ask and what other information we should collect before finally we’re able to collaborate with you to determine what areas most need attention! Your numbers will be your guide. We’ll just point out the guideposts.
Workforce Assessment and Planning – Workforce planning is as much art as it is science. It starts with where you are today, and when married to the appropriate strategic inputs, helps you figure out where you need/want to be tomorrow. It takes into account historical turnover trends and adds in factors like organic growth forecasts, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures and downsizing, and ultimately yields guides for your staffing plans in the near future. It helps answer the question “How many of what kinds of people with what skills will I need in the future?” Organizations experiencing, or seeking, sustained growth would be wise to engage a consultant to assist them on the way!
- Succession/Transition Planning – Succession planning used to be an activity reserved only for members of the C-suite. But for at least the past decade more and more organizations have pushed this type of planning further and further down through the layers of their operation. Who would you be most devastated to lose? Answer that question, then ask, what would you do if you had to replace them? Better to ask and answer these questions while they’re still with you allowing you to think and plan and act proactively and calmly vs. be forced to respond in a reactive hurry.
- Growth/Diversification Planning – Where is your organization going? Adding new offices? Introducing new business lines? Do you have enough of the right people with the right level of skills? Do you need to get them training? Do you need to acquire a new type of talent that you haven’t needed before? Will you need leaders who understand new technology or lines of business or different markets? Growth is exciting. Growth is often (but not aways wisely) the benchmark of success. But growth isn’t easy. Let us work with you to devise the strategy to support your (wise) growth!
Mergers and Acquisitions: Preliminary Due Diligence Transition Support – You’ve identified a firm whose business would fit perfect with your own. Or you’ve identified a market you’d like to be in, and it’s easier to buy your way in by acquiring an established firm already in that space. Or you’ve been approached to join forces with another organizations who thinks you’d be a good match for each other. These and many other paths could lead you to consider a merger or acquisition. Your finance team are crunching the numbers, but who is examining the “fit”? If you hit it hard enough you can wedge a round peg in a square hole. But that doesn’t mean it belongs there. Let us partner with you to determine if this huge decision will be a huge win or a huge risk.
Ready to align your human capital strategy with your business goals? Let us help you develop and implement a customized HR strategic plan that prepares your workforce for success, manages costs, and drives growth. Our experienced team will guide you through every step, from workforce planning to transition strategies.
Take the next step toward optimizing your organization’s human capital.
+1 (703) 752-6195 or
Arc Human Capital, LLC
1934 Old Gallows Road
Vienna, Virginia 22182
United States
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